~CardCaptor Dome~
Home Page

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How to Contact Me

Japanese Terms

Guest Book Page

Clow Cards

Whats New

Moving Titles

The difference between Manga & Anime
Hi! I'm Amber, and I like making websites when I have the time. I made other sites all about anime, because I love anime shows ^_^! Inuyasha, CardCaptors, Sailor Moon, and many more! Anime are Japanese motion cartoons. Manga are Japanese comics or drawings, not in motion. Many people confuse the Manga from the anime. I can draw a little bit of manga, and I'm pretty good at it. But I still have alot to practice. My friend Cathy taught me most of the stuff I needed to know about drawing manga. I know she's gonna publish a comic or make a anime cartoon someday ^_~.
This Site was Updated: April 21, 2003

I'll be updating the following soon:

Photo Gallery-I'll be adding more pics that visitors send, and some of my own.

Homepage-I'll be editing my homepage with new pics and info.

Favorite Links-I am constantly finding new sites, & getting ideas from them. I'll add the ones I think are very good, so you can view them too. Not all of them will be of CardCaptors, but of different Anime also.

Contact Page-I have more than one e-mail address, so I'll soon add them all, or I'll put a different one up each month or so because my mail number would getting a little too large ^_^.
Welcome To My Home Page
Hey everyone! As you can see, I changed my layout! I'm changing things rapidly, so come back often, or you may miss something cool. And remember to look at everything, and have fun ^_^! I'm also working on a Japanese Terms page. Check it out!

Have any....?
Do you have any questions? Information that I could add to my site? Pics that I could add to my site? Tell me how to improve my site my simply e-mailing me! Make sure the subject title says "sapphireglow", and I'll reply as soon as I can! Or I'll post it on this site!
Click here to e-mail me

CardCaptor Characters
Above are some of the most important characters from the CardCaptor series!